
Nonequilibrium Many-Body Physics with Photons in Circuit-QED Lattices

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Lattice models of fermions, bosons, and spins have long served to elucidate the essential physics of quantum phase transitions in a variety of systems. Generalizing such models to incorporate driving and dissipation has opened new vistas to investigate nonequilibrium phenomena and dissipative phase transitions in interacting many-body systems. Circuit- QED lattices serve as an ideal platform to study the nonequilibrium many-body physics of microwave photons interacting with (artificial) atoms. In this thesis, I present three major research achievements. First, I introduce a perturbative approach including a resummation technique suitable for describing nonequilibrium states of interacting photons in circuit-QED devices. Second, I describe scanning defect microscopy which we developed in collaboration with Andrew Houck’s group at Princeton. This technique allows a novel scanning-probe imaging of photon states in a circuit-QED lattice. Third, I present a theoretical analysis of the first observation of a dissipative phase transition in a circuit-QED chain.

Last modified
  • 02/13/2018
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