
Transforming the Myth of Oneness for Korean Christianity

Public Deposited

This thesis interprets and critiques what is termed the 'myth of oneness' within the western philosophical and theological tradition, seeking to help transform South Korean Christianity, especially its perspective on other religions, and its attitude toward the reunification of Korea. Whitehead's process philosophy and its resulting theology, and the yin-yang paradigm of Asia are presented as alternative paradigms to help transform the myth of oneness. This project develops a relational and transformative Asian hermeneutic incorporating Gadamer's hermeneutic of the fusion of horizons, Habermas' critical hermeneutic of communicative action, Korean Minjung theology's concern for the oppressed, C.S. Song's transpositional methodology, and Jung Young Lee's interpretation of marginality. The myth of oneness is defined and critiqued as a problematic paradigm based ontologically on the neo-Platonic understanding of being as static, changeless, perfect, and absolute, superior to all other existences and claiming soteriological superiority over all other religions. This philosophical myth of oneness has historically been reflected in the theologies of Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, with their predominant influence on all western theology. As the core theological expression of the myth of oneness, the doctrine of God in classical theism is presented and critiqued. Jürgen Moltmann's panentheistic Trinitarian perspective and Alfred North Whitehead's dipolar theism are articulated as modern alternative modes of theism more akin to Asian modes of thoughts. As an Asian alternative to the myth of oneness the yin-yang paradigm is introduced and analyzed, emphasizing its relational (changeological) and dynamic character. The yin-yang paradigm is seen as helping Korean churches to transform the myth of ontological and soteriological oneness toward a more organic, dynamic, and relational understanding of God.. Finally, this project develops and envisions a more dynamic, relevant praxis for Korean churches in two areas: (1) inter-religious dialogue and (2) the reunification of North and South Korea.

Last modified
  • 05/09/2018
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