% read in patient info M = csvread('patient_info.csv'); % rate of decrease of pain without drugs or disease relax_rate = M(1); % baseline pain, equilibrium for patient in absence of drugs base_pain = M(2); % initial pain init_pain = M(3); % read in simulation info M = csvread('sim_info.csv'); % initial time t0 = M(1); % end time tmax = M(2); % time resolution dt = M(3); % time vector tvec = t0:dt:tmax; % read in drug info M = csvread('drug_info.csv'); % marginal effect of drug 1 on pain relaxation rate k1 = M(1); % rate of elimination of drug 1 kD1 = M(2); % amplitude of response to drug 1 a1 = M(3); % drug information drug_info1 = [k1, kD1, a1]; % % number of doses % num_doses = 5; % wait = (tmax-t0)/(num_doses); % drug 1 dose times % dosetimes1 = [0.1:wait:tmax] % read in drug dosage dosetimes1 = csvread('dose_times.csv'); % read in "real" patient data M = csvread('pain_report_real.csv'); report_times_real = M(1,:); report_pain_real = M(2,:); %% run pain simulation with no drug intervention % [tvec, P] = pain_sim_nointervention(tvec, init_pain, relax_rate, base_pain); % figure; % plot(tvec, P, '-r'); % xlabel('Time'); % ylabel('Pain level'); % title('Pain versus time (no intervention)'); %% run pain simulation with one drug intervention % [tvec, P, D] = pain_sim_intervention1(tvec,init_pain,relax_rate,base_pain,drug_info1,dosetimes1); % figure; % plot(tvec, P, '-r'); % hold on; % plot(tvec, D, '--b'); % legend('Pain', 'Drug 1'); % xlabel('Time'); % ylabel('Pain and drug level'); % title('Pain and drug concentration versus time (1 drug intervention)'); %% calculate average pain % average_pain = sum(P)*dt/(tmax-t0) % average_drug = sum(D)*dt/(tmax-t0) %% report pain levels report_pain_sim = interp1(tvec,P,report_times_real); % plot(report_times_real, report_pain_real, 'ok') % plot(report_times_real, report_pain_sim, 'xk') % legend('Pain', 'Drug 1','real pain report','sim pain report'); csvwrite('pain_report.csv',[report_times_real; report_pain_real; report_pain_sim]) %% calculate pain prediction error stdev = sqrt(1/length(report_times_real)*sum((report_pain_real-report_pain_sim).^2)); dlmwrite('pain_report.csv',stdev,'-append')