
Visualization of Reconstruction of CMS HGCal

Public Deposited

This is a visualization of an event reconstructed in CMS HGCal. This event is consist of 10 pions with a transverse momentum of 35 GeV. The reconstruction algorithm groups all valid energy deposits (hits) into clusters, each incoming particle having one or a few corresponding clusters, so that the energy of incoming particles can be calculated. This plot illustrates that our GPU-accelerated reconstruction produces a visually correct result of hit clusters: 10 generated pions, shown as ten white straight lines, are shot from the origin into HGCal, causing thousands of hits. For each incoming pion, the reconstruction successfully produces one or a few clusters of hits, indicated by the colors. The cluster centers are shown as white squares, sizes of which correspond to cluster energies.

Last modified
  • 06/04/2018
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