
Control of spin geometry in metal organic materials for emergent phenomena


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Emergent phenomena are phenomena that only arise from the bulk collective, not from individual pieces of that collective. The design of materials which host emergent phenomena can be achieved by controlling the interactions between constituent atoms, ions, or electronic spins in a material, and include materials such as permanent magnets and metallic conductors. The templating of electronic spins in certain lattice geometries can give rise to much exotic behavior, creating materials that are quantum spin liquids, topological magnon band insulators, or host fractionalized quasiparticles. This thesis focuses on the design of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) which host emergent properties. MOFs are ideal for the design of new emergent materials as they have a high degree of synthetic modularity and control over their lattice geometry. In Chapter two of this thesis, I describe the design, synthesis, and magnetic structures of a series of anilate-based MOFs that host S = ½ organic radical based spins on a kagomé lattice, a 2D lattice which has been shown to generate intriguing emergent magnetic structures. Chapter three focuses on the synthesis and magnetic structures of a 1D family of spin chains based on a functionalized anilate ligand, that preferentially forms chains with a host of metal centers (Fe, Co, Ni, Mn, and In). Chapter four focuses on imbuing 2D organic polymers with semiconducting behavior by post-synthetically doping these materials with charge carriers, and the effect of lattice geometry on their resulting semiconducting behavior.

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