
Kinetic Processes Governing the Formation and Electronic Behavior of Covalent Organic Frameworks


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Crystalline and Framework materials make up a broad class of structures which are known for their precise and regular nature. Because these materials have predictable structures and compositions to their networks, they are widely used for several applications including electronics, optics, and catalysis. While these materials are of particular interest, the quality of the structures varies widely due to defects, non-overlapping domains and amorphous components existing in the materials. Understanding the mechanisms which govern the formation of crystals and frameworks will provide the foundation for developing improved methodologies in forming the highest quality material. Kinetics of the crystallization process informs the physical phenomena which dictate how these materials form. Herein we employ X-ray, IR, microscopy and more to understand the kinetics of these processes. These studies allow us to develop synthetic methodologies which utilize the unique crystallization process to access novel synthetic products. After making novel materials, the kinetics of the electronic processes that govern their behavior for use in optoelectronic devices are explored through time-resolved spectroscopies.

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